The previous album had a definitite rock and pop edge,
More Than Ever has an almost country feel to it.
Viewing the huge list of musicians that participated in this recording
is a testament to the problems the band had staying together.
One would think that after the relative success of
New City,
they would stick to the program.
It seems as if COLUMBIA said, hey, you're going to do this our way,
and we have the contract that says you have to, or perhaps they wanted
to put out a product to get them dropped from the label. I mean, heck, the next album,
Brand New Day is one of my favorite BS&T releases.
More Than Ever, with its plain photo of the LP cover, and it's simplistic liner notes
could not have been intended to be a hit.
On another front, most of the songs are pretty good. I enjoy
"Hollywood", and Larry Willis'
"Heavy Blue",
as well
"Sweet Sadie", "More Than Ever",
"Katy Bell".
It's a different album, but not a bad one.
Considering the patchwork of musicians that recorded it,
it's really quite an acheivment".