At the beginning of 1991,
ENIGMA (aka German producer,
Michael Cretu) had a Number 1 with
"Sadness Part 1",
a melancholic instrumental combining Gregorian chant, a dance rhythm and ambient synths. The album which spawned it is now re-issued together with remixes of four tracks.
It contains two tunes which will probably be turning up in adverts in years to come,
"Sadness" itself and
"Principles Of Lust", both now heavily dependent on rippling drums.
"Sadness" remix replaces the original drum track with bongo and tabla samples with a few scratch effects thrown in, and the backing singer, who'd been having a nascent orgasm on the original, gives a more, er, full-blown version.
The original
"Mea Culpa" and
"The Rivers Of Belief" are so shapeless and arbitrary in melody and arrangement that it's almost impossible to work out what's been remixed into the pseudo-New Age hotch-potch of chants, moans, and would-be hypnotic injunctions.
- Andrew Martin
(January 1992)
I. The Voice Of Enigma
Good evening,
This is the voice of Enigma...
In the next hour
We will take you with us
Into another world...
Into the world of music,
Spirit and meditation...
Turn off the light,
Take a deep breath and relax...
Start move slowly, very slowly,
Let the rhythm be your guiding light.
II. Principles Of Lust:
A: Sadeness
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen.
Cum angelis et pueris,
Fideles inveniamur.
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste Rex glorie?
Sade dit moi
Sade donne moi
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen.
Sade dit moi
Qu'est ce que tu vas chercher?
le bien par le mal
la vertu par le vice
Sade dit moi pourquoi l' 'evangile du mal?
Quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme.
Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme?
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin?
Sade dit moi
( Hosanna )
Sade donne moi
( Hosanna )
Sade dit moi
( Hosanna )
Sade donne moi
( Hosanna )
In nomine Christi, Amen.
B: Find Love
The principles of lust
Are easy to understand
Do what you feel,
Feel until the end
The principles of lust
Are borned in your mind
Do what you want,
Do it, until you find
The principles of lust
Are easy to understand
Do what you feel,
Feel until the end
The principles of lust
Are borned in your mind
Do what you want,
Do it, until you find
C: Sadeness (Reprise)
Sade dit moi
Sade donne moi
Sade dit moi
( Hosanna )
Sade donne moi
( Hosanna )
Sade dit moi
( Hosanna )
Sade donne moi
( Hosanna )
Sade dit moi
III. Callas Went Away
Callas went away
But her voice forever stay
Callas went away
She went away.
God bless you.
IV. Mea Culpa
Kyrie, Kyrie eleison
Christe, Christe eleison
Je ne dors plus.
(The time has come)
Je te desire.
(The time has come)
Prends moi
Je suis a toi
Mea culpa.
Je veux aller au bout de me fantasmes
Je sais que c'est interdit
Je suis folle. Je m'abandonne
Mea culpa.
Kyrie, Kyrie eleison
Christe, Christe eleison
Je suis la et ailleurs
Je n'ai plus rien
Je deviens folle
Je m'abandonne
Mea culpa.
Je ne dors plus
Je te desire
Prends moi
Je suis a toi.
Kyrie, Kyrie eleison
Christe, Christe eleison
Je suis la et ailleurs
Je veux tout
Quand tu veux
Comme tu veux
Mea culpa.
Kyrie, Kyrie eleison
V. The Voice And The Snake
The first bowl on the earth
The second bowl on the sea
The third bowl on the rivers
The fourth bowl on the sun
The fifth bowl on the beast
The sixth bowl on the stars
The seventh bowl on the air.
And the earth turned grey
Sea turned black
The rivers turned red
The sun turned cold
The beast turned pale
The stars turned fast
The air turned to poison.
VI. Knocking On Forbidden Doors
Eia, ergo, advocata nostra,
Illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte
Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui.
VII. Back To The Rivers Of Belief:
A: Way to Eternity
... Quem quaerimus adjutorem,
Nisi te, Domine...
Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis,
Sancte misericors Salvator,
amarae morti ne tradas nos.
B: Hallelujah
Turn off the light...
Take a deep breath
And relax...
Turn off the light...
Relax ...
Take a deep breath...
Relax ...
C: The Rivers Of Belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend.
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
I promise you
I will return.
And when the Lamb
Opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky.
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
I'm reaching out for you
Let's hope one day
We'll rest in peace
On my rivers of belief