All Songs Published by RONDOR MUSIC
Recorded between February and October 1972.
All Songs put through two Stereo Leslies, Fender Dual Showman Amp
and two JBL Cabinets.
Also used a custom built Oscillator Fuzz &
Wahwah Pedal and Binson Echo Unit, Keyboards & Amplification set up
by John Cleary, Michael Tait, Phillip Hepple, Claude Johnson Taylor.
The organ on "Jane Seymour" was Recorded at St. GILES, Cripplegate.
Born 1485. Married 1509.
The Youngest child of Ferdinand and Isobella of Spain.
She was intelligent, accomplished and spirited although not a ravishing beauty.
Henry, anxious for a son to continue the dynasty, ordered her to leave the court
after 18 years of marriage and having borne a daughter.
She spent her last years in lonelinnes and sorrow.
Player and her deep-seated faith sustained her,
She died three weeks after her 50th birthday.
Born 1515. Married 1540.
She came from the ducal court of
Disseldorf and was schooled in
the domestic arts which made her
unfamiliar with the world Of
music and books, which played
such a large part in Henry's
life. As the Holbein portrait
shows, she was neither a captivating
beauty nor entirely without appeal.
When Catherine Howard appeared
it became apparent that the king
wanted to free himself from Anne
and the po litkal and personal
obligations therein. It took six
months to untie the knot Anne
graciously accepted the honorary
title "King's Sister" and the
property that was her compensation,
living in comfortable obscurity
until 1557.
Born 1521. Married 1540.
A day, nigh spirited girl, free
with her favours and possesing
uninhibited behaviour. Her
precence in the Queen's entourage
undoubtedly accelerated the
nullification of the Cleves
marriage. Catherine was patently
adored by her loving and devoted
spouse who showered her with gifts
and pampered her in every way.
Fine clothes and flattery she
enjoyed; as well as the privileges
that belonged to her as queen.
Her promiscuous life behing the
king's back shattered his idyll.
She was revealed as a deceiver
who had played with his affections
and dishonoured bis crown. She
was beheaded in the tower on
13 February 1542.
Born 1509. Married 1536.
I was the very contrast to Anne
that appealed to Henry.
Jane was calm, meek and gentle and ready
to submit to her sovereign's will,
In October 1537 Henry received the
son, Prince Edward, he had so
ardently desired. Although she
never recovered from this birth,
she was treated more kindly by
posterity and was lovingly
remembered as the mother of Henry's
son. She is the only wite to share
his grave.
Bora 1502. Married 1532.
Educated in France, Ànne came to
the court of King Henry in 1521
where she gained popularity with
the younger men. She was of
middling stature, long neck,
with beatiful dark eyes.
In 1533 she was crowned as queen.
Eater that year she gave birth
to a girl - her first and greatest
failure. Anne's quick temper and
savage tongue broke the spell that
once had hound Henry to her.
She was executed 19 May 1536.
Born 1512. Married 1543.
A well educated lady who could
discourse with the foremost
scholars of the day. She kept
her personal protestant sympathies
to herself white Henry was alive.
Twice widowed when she married the
king, she became as much a nurse
to him as a wife.
She knew how to humour him, ease his pain and
soothe his spirits.
Although Catherine had her enemies she
managed to bring to the royal
family a degree of harmony it bad
scarcely known before.
She survived her spouse and
married Thomas Seymour, and died
shortly after giving birth to his child.
Divorced 1533. Died 1536
Anne of Cleves
Divorced 1540. Died 1557
Catherine Howard
Executed 1542
Jane Seymour
Died 1537
Anne Boleyn
Executed 1536
Catherine Parr
Died 1548