'Backstage In Budapest' - Informal documentary filmed during the day leading up to showtime
Roger King
Rob Townsend
Terry Gregory
Gary O'Toole
Lighting Design
Guitar Technician & Monitor
Backline technician
Recorded by
Tour Manager
Management Assistant
Office Co-ordination
Concert Production Budapest
Production Assistant
Public Relations
Sound crew
Lighting crew
Clocks' gobos design
Video production
Director of photography
Jimmy Jib
Video technicians
Edited by
Produced and directed by
Mechanical Bride
Circus Of Becoming
Frozen Statues
Serpentine Song
Ace Of Wands
Hammer In The Sand
Blood On The Rooftops
Fly On A Windshield
Please Don't Touch
Firth Of Fifth
If You Can't Find Heaven
Brand New
Air-Conditioned Nightmare
Every Day
Spectral Mornings
Los Endos
Steve Hàñêått
Guitar & Vocals
Sax, Flute, Percussion & Vocals
Bass & Vocals
Drums, Percussion & Vocals
Concert Mix by
Benedict Fenner
Tigger Matthews
Richard Buckland
Dave Cobby
Kurina Tamás
for Gramy Recording Studio
Brian Coles
Billy Budls
John Wood
Andy Lodge
Egerhazi Attila for Gramy Event Marketing
Gueth Rita
Góöãðàl Zsuzsanna
Panczel Lajos
Elek Sándor
Feher Rdbert
Borlai Csaba
Zrupko Gabor
Nagy Gergely
Pinter Krisztlan
Harcsa Péter
Vincze Abel
Petöfi Csarnok
Belvarosi Autöbusz Bt.
Gramy Filmstudio
Takács Sándor
Doboveczkl Dénes
Farkas Attila
Felhos György
Halper János
Kristoffy Sándor
Medgyesi Zoltan
Tamasi Márton
Halla Guborc.c.c.c.
Németh József
Varga Lajos c.c.c.
Kotányi Gábor
Baroch Csaba
Fekete Csaba
Klimas Tamás
Szalay Tamás
Kiss Gyula
Takács Sándor
Egerhazi Attila
The concert is sponsored by
Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal
Slager Radio
Gulyas Nagykereskedelem
Gramy Records
Valley Of The Kings
Sieve Hackelt
Steve Hackell
Steve Hackett
Hackett, King
Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Hackett, Collins
Banks, Collins, Gabriel, Hackett. Rutherford
Steve Hackett
Banks, Collins, Gabriel, Hackett. Rutherford
Hackett. Gluck. King
Steve Hackett
Hackett, King
Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Steve Hackett
Banks, Collins, Hackett, Rutherford